We would like to wish everyone of our listeners a very happy new year and hope you've all had a wonderful Christmas.
2016 is certainly not going to be a year we'll forget in a hurry, for reasons not just podcast related!
2017 already looks to be shaping up extraordinarily well and we're in the process of looking at ways of expanding the show beyond it's podcast format.
We really appreciate all of the kind comments and feedback we've received and we're both working hard to make the show as good as it possibly can be.
The podcast was first released in September 2016 and since then we've had over 2 million listens and made it on to The Guardian's Top 50 best podcasts of 2016 . A feat i don't think we could have achieved without listeners sharing the podcast with family and friends on social media.
As always you can reach us on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram and if you’ve been enjoying the show and would like to make a monetary donation you can do so HERE.
Thanks a million
Benjamin and Rosie